Saturday, April 20, 2013

recap of the week

What is this???  It is a piece of apple!  Nathan was eating an apple and thought it would be great to take a piece out of his mouth and put it up his nose!  Luckily he told me he did it, so I checked up there with a flashlight and sure enough a chuck of green apple was up there.  I tried getting it out with my tweezers, but it was to far up I couldn't reach it, I really need to get a pair of medical tweezers! So, off to the ER we went. 

once we were back in our normal room, I asked Nathan why he was at the hospital & this is what he said

 This week Thomas had baseball pictures!  Last year he refused to be in his team picture or take individual pictures, so this is a major accomplishment!  He is on the bottom row 4th in from the left.
 The photographer told him to smile showing his teeth.....this is what she got!  Luckily she got a picture of him smiling nicely too!

And Nay-Nay....he is doing SO well at preschool!  He just finished his first full week.  Every morning his teacher goes around to the kids and does "hi's & hugs" where she gets down and greets every child and welcomes them to class and then asks them if they would like a hug.  The first day of school Nathan turned away from her and said "eeeehhhh", the second day he said "no thank you", and the third day and every day since he has either said yes or shook his head yes & hugged her!  This week he also started riding the bus!  He doesn't want to ride it to school only home, which is fine with me!  I think it is easier for him to ride home since all the kids in his class get on the bus together & ride home.  I went to the school for his first bus ride home & took pictures and made sure he wasn't going to get scared and not get on the bus!  He did great though, held his teachers hand and climbed right up in the bus.   The bus pulled up in front of the house and I went out to get him off the bus & he stood in the driveway and waved by to the bus driver.  He talked about it all afternoon!  Even now, he will ask me "mom you see me on the bus" and I tell him yes, and he tells me "I sit by the window" and starts laughing and then tells me how fun it is on the bus.  I can't believe how fast he is growing up!
David is doing good.  He is crazy busy with school, scouts, baseball and football! 

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