Thursday, April 11, 2013

first day of school

Nathan finally got accepted into the Child Find program through CCSD!  I have been trying for the last few months (since Thanksgiving) to get him in the early childhood program.  He and I went last week to a meeting and found out he got in, and got the phone call Tuesday that we needed to go register at the elementary school he will be attending.  We went to the school Wednesday morning and registered, then went back pack shopping.  We also grabbed an extra set of clothes for school and he picked out a new first day of school shirt.  He picked our the Lightning McQueen backpack!
And he started school this morning!!  He was SO excited to go to school!  The first thing he said this morning was "I go to school, I go on the yellow bus"  He does get to take the bus to & from school but not till next week. 

 Nathan leaving the house with his backpack on & walking into school
 His school is from 9-11:40am, but I still have been really worried about him going, especially since he only likes me and won't even talk to people or when they talk to him he hides behind me.  But, I held his hand in line and walked him to the door, knelt down gave him a hug and a kiss and told him I loved him and to have a fun day.  Then I got up and walked away as his teacher took his hand into the building.  It was so sad!  He was holding his teacher's hand looking behind him crying "mommy", which made me cry (I was great till then!).  
 At the end of school he walked out holding his teacher's hand.  She said he did great, and only cried for about 1/2 hour (me too!!)  I am SO proud of him and excited that he wants to go back!  I can't believe that he is old enough for preschool!  It seems like just yesterday he was my little baby.  

First day of school....SUCCESS!!

1 comment:

Ed and Cathy Torrance said...

He looks so much older with that backpack on, like he is just one of the boys! So glad it was a good day and he wants to go back, that's a big deal! Way to go Nate and Mommy!