Tuesday, October 5, 2010


 Coco died this morning.
Last week one of her eyes started hemorraging, we took her into the vet, ran tests and waited for results. All her blood work came back fine, but she was not able to see.  She just laid on the floor, wouldn't eat or drink because she couldn't find her food and water. Then we noticed her other eye was hemorraging.  We took her back to the vet and he kept her there for the last week to watch her.  The pressure in her eyes were dangerously high and he was concerned that she would lose her vision for good, her blood pressure was really high too.  We were trying to decide what we should do, if we should bring her home and hope her vision improves or if we should put her down.  This morning the vet called and told me that she had just had a stroke and that he thinks that it is her time to go and recommended we put her down.  We agreed and told him we would be down in a few hours to let David say goodbye to her and then he could put her down.  He asked if it would be ok to give her a sedative to make her more comfortable, I agreed.  The vet called me back within an hour and said he had given her 1/4 of a mild sedative and about half hour after he gave it to her she died.


Ed and Cathy Torrance said...

I'm sorry you guys, been there done that, and I know how heartbreaking it is. I still feel so sad about some of the pets we have lost over the years. They become such a part of your family.

KolbyJanine said...

poor D. I bet he is sad about it. What an awful way to go out though. I wonder why her eyes were hemeraging. That is strange. But she was a cute dog.

Robyn said...

Sadness! I just read about Nathan's heart though and that is excellent news.

mckeehan said...

I am so sorry. I remember too well how I felt with Buster and Snoozer. I know you loved your dogs. Its like losing a family member.