Friday, October 15, 2010


 We had the boys pictures taken... here are some of our favorites!!
 Nathan turned 9 months!!  He has 4 teeth, 2 on top and 2 on bottom.  He LOVES to eat, play with his brothers and play in the water.  He is a super fast crawler and loves to race in turbo crawling speed down the hall having races with his brothers, he gets going so fast he trips himself and falls on his face!  He is also standing and if you don't watch him, can walk holding onto the water bottles, kitchen bench and the couch!  He is growing up so fast!!

AND we are now homeschooling David!  We officially pulled him out of school 2 weeks ago and enrolled in NVVA K12 program.  He LOVES it!!  It took a little getting used to, especially on Tommy's end that David isn't home to play that he has work to do, but now we got the hang of it and it is great!!  


Ed and Cathy Torrance said...

Yea!! Love the pictures, and good job David!!

mckeehan said...

great pics, Jenn. Good going David, and if he gets tired of it, I will take him in a heartbeat--he'd help our test scores!! I dont think I would be disciplined enought to do it at home:)

Unknown said...

Your lil Nay-Nay is so cute, and huge. I am so glad I have been able to spend so much time with my BFF again. I really did miss you mucho grande. David is so changing in just the few short weeks you have had him out of school.