Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat

Here is our pumpkin we carved's an alien!
Here's how it looked lite up!

Commander Cody aka David

Darth Vader aka Tommy

Commander Cody and Darth Vader getting ready to go trick or treating
They had a great time trick or treating and came back full of candy! It was funny, when they came home from trick or treating we dumped their candy in a pile so I could go through it. Tommy picked up his bucket, dumped it upside down and started crying! Poor baby thought he lost all his treats! He was fine when his suckers got put back in his bucket!


Ed and Cathy Torrance said...

Nice job on the pumpkin!! Glad to see Tommy didn't let a broken leg keep him from enjoying the festivities!

Lidia and Steve said...

yeah, very impressed with the pumpkin. cool costumes guys!