Monday, July 1, 2013


Thomas lost his first tooth!  Thursday after swim lessons he told me that he couldn't eat lunch because his tooth was to wiggly.  I tried pulling it out but it wasn't quite ready.  He spent the rest of the day wiggling it.  Finally right before bed time, he pulled it out himself!!  He was SO excited!!

Thomas is my hoarder, or as he likes to say, he collects things.  He does not like to throw anything away!  So, after he pulled out his tooth we were talking about the tooth fairy and how it works and he started to cry.  I asked him what was wrong & he said he didn't want to leave his tooth, he wanted to keep it!  So he wrote a note to the tooth fairy asking if he could keep his tooth, and left the note and tooth under his pillow.
When he woke up in the baggie with his tooth was $5 & the tooth fairy wrote a note back to him.  He was thrilled!! 
Don't worry though....we don't have a tooth laying around anymore!  The tooth "magically" turned into a dollar coin....I guess that is just what happens when the head tooth fairy finds out that money got left and the tooth fairy didn't bring the tooth back!!

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