Saturday, March 2, 2013

touch a truck

Today we went to Touch A Truck!  The little boys LOVED it!! It was at the Orleans, and there were a ton of trucks, police cars, ambulances, army trucks, helicopter, destruction derby, construction vehicles, all kinds of little boys favorite things!  This will definitely be an annual event for us.  
Nathan had no fear, which surprised me since he is very shy and usually needs to hold my hand to be brave, and he never talks to people especially people he doesn't know.  But he walked right up to this fireman and started talking to him!  He did that at almost every truck we went to.  It was really neat to see him break out of his shell for a little bit.  Thomas on the other hand, wouldn't talk to anyone or even go in the trucks for the first hour we were there!
Nathan in the fire truck
 David & Nathan walking across the back of one of the army trucks
 Nathan climbing up the army truck
 We got to watch Robosaurus move around & eat a car

 And of course, the trash truck was a highlight of Nathan's day!  I think he went back to it at least 3 times!!
 all the boys
 The boys....taking a break and resting in the bulldozer!

1 comment:

Ed and Cathy Torrance said...

No better activity for those little guys!!