Sunday, February 24, 2013


 For once it wasn't me!! Saturday morning I got woken up by a phone call, it was Keith calling to let me know he was going to be home late, that he was just involved in a 5 car accident on 95 (he is working graves this year).  He told me that he & a coworker/friend Aaron that carpools with him were both fine, and that he is pretty sure the car is totaled and that they would need me to come get them.  I quickly got dressed, grabbed Nathan and headed towards the accident.  As I drove north on 95 past the accident so I could get back on the freeway going south and pull up behind the accident I was amazed how horrible most of the cars looked!  There was car pieces all over the road, glass everywhere, NHP & tow trucks blocking all but one of the lanes.  I drove down the shoulder with my hazard lights on to avoid the traffic and pulled up between a few highway patrolmen.  Nathan was thrilled to see all the police cars & tow trucks!  

There was a car (with a drunk driver) that hit this red mustang & hit her so hard that she smashed into the center divider and moved the concrete divider.  The car that hit her fled the scene.  Keith & Aaron saw this happen and stopped to help her, a car next to them with coworkers followed and stopped the car that tried leaving.  As they were helping her the white truck t-boned the mustang, not touching the brakes at all, flying her into Keith's car.  They were both standing outside the car when it was hit.  Aaron jumped out of the way of the mustang and was within a foot of it smashing into him.   The driver of the white truck was also drunk.  
(white truck)
 Once I got there we emptied the hyundai into my truck so the tow truck could take it.  We have a fun insurance mess to figure out this week now.  No one was seriously hurt, two people were taken to the hospital, the girl in the mustang and the drunk driving the white truck. It could have been a lot worse than it was!  When we got home Thomas and David wanted to see the pictures of the car, as I was showing them the pictures on my phone Thomas started crying and didn't leave his dad's side Saturday.  He still is pretty clingy to him.  Now the fun part....what car to get now!  We were planning on getting a new car closer to summer/fall this year but obviously are getting it sooner.  I'm more upset that we don't get to see how many miles we can rack on that little hyundai!  I bought it with 6 miles on it, when it died yesterday it had 215,000!!

1 comment:

Lara Leigh Raulston said...

I am so happy that he's okay!! Holy cow!!