Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy Birthday Nathan!!

It is hard to believe that Nathan is already a year old!!  
  His delivery was so easy, I guess planned c-sections are though!  He was my 2nd heaviest baby weighing in at 6 lbs 13 ounces.

In May Nathan ended up in the hospital for a really high fever and spent a week in PICU.  Only to follow it up with surgery to put tubes in his ears.

He is such a happy little boy.  And has such a sweet spirit.  He is truly an answer to so many prayers.

 He is not walking on his own... yet, I think it will be any day.  He is getting braver about walking only holding on with one hand and trying to take a few hurried steps to you.  He LOVES his brothers.  They can make him laugh just by looking at him.  He loves to play with them and follow them around. 

Happy Birthday Nathan!           We love you Nay-Nay!!


KolbyJanine said...

Its awesome how someone so small and new can make a family whole. I know EXACTLY how a baby can be answers to prayers and he is exactly that for all of us. I can not believe he is a year old. he just cant be :) but he is soo cute and cant wait to see him open his presents tonight..mainly because Talin has been BUGGING me since we bought it.

Ed and Cathy Torrance said...

Happy Birthday Nathan, we love you!