Friday, July 30, 2010

Flee!!!! (3)

3 years ago, my doctor was telling me to get ahold of Keith because he was going to take my baby emergency c-section at 5pm. Easier said than done, since Keith was in the academy in Indian Springs and wasn't allowed to have his phone with him, and all the emergency contact numbers I was given all went to voicemail! But, I finally got ahold of him and he made it to the hospital right in time for Thomas's delivery.
My 6 week early, 6 lb 2 oz baby boy.

(1 year old birthday party)

Tommy is definitely my most trying/difficult kid! In his short 3 years he has already had 2 broken legs, emergency surgery for intussuseption, hernia surgery, tubes in his ears, and a severe allergic reaction requiring an ambulance ride to the hospital! But he was an answer to my prayers and was exactly what I needed when I got him. He came to us during/after such a difficult time in life.
Tommy loves to play baseball, play outside, LOVES weeoos (anything with a siren), and his brothers. He is definitely a momma's boy. But we love him so much and are so happy that he is in our family!
Happy Birthday Big Boy!!


Ed and Cathy Torrance said...

I second that!! Happy Birthday Tommy!!

Erin said...

happy birthday!

KolbyJanine said...

ohhh cute...weeeoooo! haha i pictured him doing that. He is a cute little fella. Happy Birthday Tommy boy.