Thursday, May 13, 2010


I took Nathan to the after-hours doctor Saturday afternoon, he was running a fever of 102, wasn't eating very well and wasn't having wet diapers. The doctor there told me that he had a double ear infection, gave us antibiotics and told me to give him motrin instead of tylenol. So, we started the antibiotics, got some motrin and went home. Nate slept most of the afternoon. I checked his temperature again about 9:30pm and he was 105.7!! So, leaving David in charge of a sleeping Tommy, I took Nathan to the ER.

Once we got there, they took us right back and gave him a dose of tylenol and started him on an IV. They started running tests on him to figure out what was wrong with him. The ER doctor did a spinal tap on him to rule out meningitis. His blood/urine came back with really high white blood counts and high crp. After being in the ER from about 9:45pm Saturday until about 6 am Sunday morning, they decided to admit Nathan while they waited for the final results of his spinal and since his fever was still really high.
My mom came up and sat with Nathan in our picu room while I took a nap, went home and got the kids stuff together and figured out what we were going to do with them. Thank you SO much Steve and Lidia for the help Sunday and for baseball! Don't know what I would have done without you guys!! The boys ended up spending the nights with my parents and splitting the days between Steve/Lidia/Abby and my parents. The picu dr, Dr. Fitzpatrick, was wonderful, as the St. Rose Peds doctors always are! After more testing over the 4 days, we determined that he just caught some kind of virus, and combined with his ear infections just wasn't strong enough to fight it off. Which, as frustrating as it is, I would much rather have that than something more serious! But, his fever, white count and crp started going down, they took him off the IV so he could try to start to eat again, and he started to be my happy baby again.

Sunday night I emailed David's teacher to let her know what was going on just in case she needed to get ahold of me regarding David, or if he talked about it, she would know. She emailed me back...

Thank you for the heads up. David told me this morning and he was very sad. He has actually cried a few times already today in class. He cried after SPARKLE today and then during research. I think he may be a little overwhelmed.
He is having a green day so far.
I'm so sorry and I wish you guys the best. I hope baby Nathan gets well soon.
Jael Crouse
So, when we finally got released after finding out that David had already tried to talk both my mom and dad into picking him up early from school, I took Nathan and surprised David by picking him up early. He was so excited to see Nate and Nate was just as happy to see him!

We are home now, and so far Nathan is doing pretty good! We go to our pediatrician Friday for a follow up. But are super excited that Nathan is doing better and are happy he is home! Thank you so much to our family and friends that came and visited us and helped with the big boys... we wouldn't have made it through this without you guys!


Lidia and Steve said...

we are so glad he is doing better!

Ed and Cathy Torrance said...

That teacher's email gets me every time!! I bet David was thrilled to have you show up to get him and even early at that!! We are so glad Nate is better and your family is back home together. Now let's see how long we can go before we see the St. Rose er dr's again!!!!

Michelle McKeehan said...

I am so glad he's ok! What an ordeal, and how sweet is David? I love those tender moments between siblings that sometimes you wonder if they really even like each other and then something like this happens and their true feelings come out. Linzi is that way with Sadi. I happy he's ok now!

J said...

That just breaks my heart! How scary for all of you! What a sweetheart David is! I hope that everything is better and that things are going well.