Monday, February 15, 2010

Sweet Babies

So Sweet!!

Yesterday during Relief Society, Nate fell asleep in my arms. Then the nursery leader brought Tommy in to me, Tommy was whiny and wanted his mommy. He started out sitting next to me on the chair, and slowly made his way onto my lap, while I am still holding sleeping Nate. Tommy managed to fall asleep on my lap, so as I am holding the 40 pounds of sleeping babies I laid Nate on top of Tommy so I could get a free hand to text Keith to come get one of the babies. But, they were so sweet and cute just sleeping on my lap together!!


Ed and Cathy Torrance said...

Ahh, so cute!! (and quiet!)

Michelle McKeehan said...

super cute, almost makes going to church with 3 kids worth it! :) just kidding..sort of :)

mckeehan said...

absolutely adorable!! they are so cute when they are asleep!

Robyn said...