Saturday, July 18, 2009

Exciting Day!!

We have had such an exciting day today and it is only 9am!! Our excitement started when David at 6am, started yelling for me to come into his room cause it was an "emergency", thinking the worse I ran out of bed into the boys room only to have David standing at the fish tank because last night one of our fish had babies!!
(this is a picture of one of the baby fish)
Since it was early still, I laid back in bed with Tommy. David went to get cereal and watch cartoons. Just as I started to fall asleep again David came running in my room screaming. He finished off the box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch and as he was pouring his cereal a CashCard fell into his bowl! He was SO excited, disappointed that it is only $5 but still excited!


Unknown said...

WOW!!! Baby fish, and free money all before 9am. I bet he is feeling like one great lucky day. Too bad he is to young to go buy a lotto ticket. ;0)

Erin said...

I'll trade you some baby fish for baby kitties when they come!