Friday, January 16, 2009

the wheels on the bus

Last night we went to Lowes and in the parking lot was the monster bus! We went for a ride through the parking lot on it. David and Keith loved it! Tommy, he loves to sing wheels on the bus, didn't like riding it to much! He screamed the whole time it was driving, no tears, just screams. Once we stopped he started laughing!!

Me, Tommy and David in front of the bus

Here is David on top of the tire.

David on top of tire, and Tommy in the tire

Me and Tommy getting ready to ride

David and Keith getting ready to ride


Lidia and Steve said...

that is a HUGE bus!!!

weavers said...

Wow! Looks like tons of fun! I'm on Tommy side, I don't think I would like it much either! But my boys would love it!