Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Swiss Days

This weekend David's baseball team, Las Vegas Rebels, had a tournament in St. George.  So, we headed up there Friday after school for a weekend full of baseball.

Nathan in the hotel room before the games Saturday.
My stroller, with 2 ice chests, 2 backpacks full of toys, a bag of snacks, a scooter and a bike
David at bat, he hit the ball well and got on base & eventually made it home
 While we were watching the games we had to have a snow cone! (these were the smalls!)

the boys found friends to play with at the games, and spent most of the day playing in the dirt and riding bikes/scooters with the other kids

David on 1st base after hitting the ball

 Uncle Rhys came to one of David's games & it was fun to see him and his puppies!   After David's last game we went to Uncle Rhys's house and swam (or rinsed off...either way) for a little bit and then headed to McDonalds to eat & play the last of our energy out.  

And this.... is what the boys looked like before we made it out of Utah! AND they stayed that way until they woke up Sunday morning!!