Saturday, March 31, 2012

Football Time!

David is on his school's flag football team this season, they are the Bills.  His teacher is also the football coach, so last week one of his homework assignments was to work on some plays for the team.  He is loving it!!  But today was their first game.  He is one of the team captains so he got to do the coin toss. He had a great time! He says that they won today, I wouldn't be able to tell you what the score was...I'm not a very good football mom, although I was a ton calmer at the football game than I am at baseball!  I have NO clue what is going on or if I should be cheering or not, or how to keep score (good thing I sat by the coach's fiance!)  
(sorry the pictures are really not straight, I was taking them on my phone with Nathan on my lap)

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