We had a really boring spring break this year! With Tommy getting his tonsils out we just stayed home & didn't do a whole lot of anything!
We did get lots of slurpees & got to eat a lot of popsicles!
We got into a crazy sleep schedule, napping at 5-6pm & going to bed at midnight or later most nights, but we did get to sleep in!
Monday morning I noticed Nathan had broken out from his back/chest to his ankles in a rash, he got an appt to see the pediatrician for Tuesday morning. We went in Tuesday & he has a viral rash that is going around town right now. Nothing serious, just a nasty looking rash.
This is what Nathan's thigh & tummy looked like Tuesday
I had to throw these pictures of Nathan in. I love them!! I was cleaning the boys bathroom the other day, David was at school, Tommy was sleeping and Nathan was playing my ipod. It was quiet in the house...all the sudden I hear Nathan bust out laughing so loud and hard. After he had been laughing for a minute I went to go see what was so funny. I found him on the kitchen floor with the soap dispenser! He had pushed a chair to the sink to reach the soap, got down and was sitting on the floor squirting the foam soap into his hands and rubbing them together just laughing thinking it & he was so funny!

Tommy had been doing so good recovering from his surgery until Tuesday afternoon. We went to our ENT post-op appointment and everything looked good, and then Thomas stopped wanting to eat & started to say that it hurt to much to drink. By Wednesday afternoon he had only had 1/2 a small slurpee since Tuesday, and he started looking more pale, had dark circles under his eyes and was very lethargic. I talked to the ENT and we decided to give him the afternoon to either eat & drink or go to the ER & get an IV. It took a while to convince Tommy that I was not playing with him. Finally he came to me asking if I would take him to McDonald's to eat, he even told me that he promised me that he would eat all of his chicken if I take him. We had to talk about what a promise is & what it means. Then we went...and he ate 3 of his 4 chicken nuggets! (Nathan stole his 4th in addition to his 4) I had to peel the crispy part off the nugget and break it into little pieces for him, but HE ATE! And he drank a full cup of juice!! So, luckily we didn't need to go to the hospital. It is amazing what some food & drink will do to a kid, in no time at all after he ate he was up and playing & running around with his brothers. Since then, he has still eaten for me & has been drinking. He's not eating good food, he's had some mini powdered doughnuts, hotdogs & chicken nuggets, but hey it's food and it's a start!

This is Nathan's thigh & tummy again today, the rash is going away and looking better every day! Good thing it's been windy this week so he has been in long pants & you can't tell he has a rash since on his arms it is mainly above his elbows :)
Tommy is looking & feeling MUCH better today!