Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Nathan got his first, and hopefully, only set of tubes in his ears today!
The nurse put the hospital socks on him that went up to his hips! He loved playing with them! He had a great time, pre-surgery playing with, talking to and flirting with the nurses at the hospital
He has a little bit of a rough time waking up from his surgery
But, he is doing great right now! Still sleeping and super snuggly this afternoon, but when he is awake is almost back to his happy normal self!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Catch Up!

We have A LOT of catching up to do!!
We are officially a binkie free home! Tommy's binkies all broke after his trip to the dentist. He was ok with it since he found Nathan's and shared Nathan's binkies with him until Nathan's binkies all got lost. So sad! Tommy still askes for a bink when he is really tired, but accepts that he doesn't have one at all!

David finished 3rd grade on the A/B honor roll! He also got the social studies award, a governors award and perfect attendance! Good job D!!

On the 6th, Nathan turned 5 months old! It is so fun to see him grow and learn new things, but so sad that he isn't my little baby! He loves to play on the floor and roll around the room. He is starting to put his knees up under himself and rock. Nathan is starting to eat baby food and absolutely loves it! And still loves to have his big brothers in his face and playing with him!

And on the 8th, David turned 9!!! For his birthday we surprised him by taking him to Disneyland. He was really excited and we had a great time!

Tommy loved playing in the water at Bugs Life in CA Adventures.

We were SO excited, Tommy is finally tall enough to go on Matterhorn!! He was really excited to go, look at that face! The whole time in line he kept saying "I go on Matterhorn" and would tell anyone that would listen to him.

Once the ride started and went into the tunnel, he started screaming! He was yelling to stop and to get him off. I waited with Nathan, and just stood there laughing, I could hear him screaming throughout the entire ride!

We had to go on Small World a few times to see the kids sing and dance to make him not scared anymore.