Saturday, February 27, 2010

Hard Headed

My sweet little Tommy is the most hard headed little boy I know! You'd think after having to go to the doctor and having your dad comes after you with pliers up your nose, you would stop sticking things up your nose!! Nope, not Tommy!! He doesn't get it!! Yesterday Keith got a package UPS, so the kids have been playing with the bubbles and the box the last couple days. Tonight Tommy came up to me and said "my nose oweie" and then stuck his finger up his nose. So, I grabbed him and looked up it and could see something. So we got the flashlight, the tweezers and the nose sucker. After having to pin him down I got a small piece of bubble plastic out of his nose but could still see more. He sniffed really hard and sucked the piece so far back I could hardly see it. I tried and tried to get him to blow his nose or to sneeze, but he couldn't. He just kept saying "my bubble in my nose". Getting ready to go to the Goodnight Clinic to have them get the plastic out, cause I was afraid he would sufficate himself on it while he was sleeping, Keith took a shot at it... and he got it!! Tommy is such a little stinker these days, but is so cute you can't help but love him!! the two pieces of plastic bubbles we got from his nose

Saturday, February 20, 2010

disney part 1

We went to Disneyland Friday, since there was no school. Nate got his 1st visit pin! We had a really fun time!! On the way home Saturday we stopped to see Great Grandpa, the kids had fun eating all his candy and terrorizing his house, but it was fun to visit for a little bit! I left the camera in the car, so will have to post some fun pictures and a really cute video tomorrow when I can get the camera out!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Sweet Babies

So Sweet!!

Yesterday during Relief Society, Nate fell asleep in my arms. Then the nursery leader brought Tommy in to me, Tommy was whiny and wanted his mommy. He started out sitting next to me on the chair, and slowly made his way onto my lap, while I am still holding sleeping Nate. Tommy managed to fall asleep on my lap, so as I am holding the 40 pounds of sleeping babies I laid Nate on top of Tommy so I could get a free hand to text Keith to come get one of the babies. But, they were so sweet and cute just sleeping on my lap together!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010


David recieved 5 beltloops and a pin at his cubscout packmeeting this week! He got his beltloops in chess, wildlife conservation, hiking, video games, kickball and his pin was in video games. And he also received his 3rd yellow bead! Good job David! He is on his way to earn his Wolf!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

One Month

It is hard to believe that my baby is already a month old! That's right, Nate is one month today!!
It seems like just yesterday we were getting ready to have him. Nate was my most difficult pregnancy and so far has been my hardest baby. We have had many trials together in the short month he has been with us. But our surprise baby is definitely an answer to so many prayers, both older prayers and more recent. He is such a sweet and special spirit and we absolutely love him and am so glad that he is a part of our family!!

Tommy loves his brother!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Nate's Blessing

We are changing Nate's blessing day. It will now be on Sunday March 7th. Still at 9 am at the Cholla building. We are still having brunch at our home after Sacrament Meeting. Hope to see you all there!