Monday, September 21, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
3 years ago...


Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Million Dollar Baby... Broke Again!

Here is Tommy with his final product!
Poor baby! Wore out after such a hard morning!!
Tommy is doing really well right now, he is taking some motrin and tylenol for the pain, I think his cast is getting heavy on him. But he is getting used to it being on, and has started walking on it. Once he gets his balance figured out I know he will be running on it in no time!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Busy Busy Weekend!

Tommy in his super cute 3D glasses getting ready to go on Toy Story!
David driving at the bumper cars, I mean autopia!
Tommy driving Keith around autopia
Tommy and David with Mickey and Minnie Mouse. Tommy LOVED the characters from a distance, notice his terrified/crying look!! He hated being so close to them!
Keith got promoted to Sergeant!! He will be at High Desert State Prison, which is maximum security, it is just up the road from where he is now in Indian Springs. He is pretty nervous about going to HDSP, but we are hoping for the best and are taking the advice of his sgts and lts now.
I had my 20 week ultrasound appointment yesterday, and everything looks good! Nathan is definetly still a boy, he was very proud to show us what he's got! He is measuring perfectly right on for as far along as I am!!